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Come back and take these hazardous blights away.


 For nearly 200 years this treasured part of Oxford’s historic waterways has served well supplying coal to Oxford’s fireplaces. More recently thanks to previous save the canal campaigns business with pleasure have proliferated. Now thanks ironically to a new British Waterways safety policy the people visiting and nearby are suffering the many hazards and visual blight of a boom, pontoon and unguarded shear drop onto it.  The toll of pain so far is 2 people overboard, minor ‘bloody’ injury, boat collisions and narrow escapes to novice from being impaled by nearly snapped boat pole and this is from two people of the many that have witnessed further problems.

A work barge with digger and Crain can lift these outsized piles from beneath the riverbed level with the aid of an acetylene torch equiped diver and give back the space and visual environment that were not made bigger than necessary in the first place and had their character and charm unspoilt until the last 12 months.

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pic of probs

Please help we are trapped

What would have been a perfect day on Oxfords waterways